Nature Channel’s ‘Drag’ Is Sad, Clean Punk Rock with a Unique Take


Nature Channel’s ‘Drag’ is sad, clean punk rock with a unique take on the genre. The band describes itself as a, “Brighton trio,” who utilize “their hard-hitting party garage punk and [ground] themselves with personal themes of growth and self reflection.” There’s certainly a distinct modern post-punk aesthetic in here, but it comes from the rawer side of that sound. They fuse this early Arctic Monkeys or The Hives sensibility with the tropes, themes and motifs of the emo-pop revival. In a lot of ways, they sound like a slightly more pensive Joyce Manor or a more straightforward Brand New. The production work on here is top-notch and everyone in the band is clearly a strong musician. In particular, the guitar work stands out as emotive and engaging. These guys should be going places. Check out ‘Drag’ below!

Noah Zucker // IG – @zucker.n // Twitter – @zuckern13

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