Discovering The Fallaways and their Punk “Drinking Anthem”


Canadian power-punk band The Fallaways have released a song title “Six New Ways” which they self describe as a “drinking anthem.” The song could be taken into listeners hearts as a relatable punk party song or a sad song about the reality of alcoholism. The Fallaways singer says “drink my life away” several times throughout out the song and also talks about “losing control.” The guitars are very strong and feel to speed through the song in a way that is a metaphor of life being chaotic when you are drinking too much. Overall this fast punk song has a great sound to it as the band comes across as a very strong and dedicated group of musicians who know how to make true punk music. The Fallaways are keeping punk alive!

The song appears on their 3-song release titled “Skiddish” released in 2017:

Written by Ryan Cassata

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