Samuel Jack Believes “Better Days” are on the Horizon


Samuel Jack has a song for the current times. “Better Days” is a glimpse of hope during these dark pandemic days. The lyrics reminisce about days in the past that were more fun, allowing for some joy to come to the surface. Perhaps the lyrics will bring up memories of some of the listeners own better days and bring a smile to their face. It also reminds us that none of us are alone going through this and that we do have something great to look forward to. Overall the song and Samuel Jack’s soulful vocal delivery bring a message of hope and a sense of togetherness. The gospel choir on this song really sells the message and brings enhances the recording!

“At a time we find ourselves reminiscing of the good times, those better days, this uplifting, feel good soulful anthem narrates those moments, embraces those feelings, and alongside a strident gospel choir seeks to pull us through and carry us with the true sentiment that there once again shall be Better Days to come.”

Sameul Jack

Listen to this great song on Spotify now!

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