Greko and Creative Dream Team Release LGBTQ+ Anthem “#LIFTEMUP” Just in Time for World Pride

Greko is a New York based pop/rock artist and DJ whose brilliant studio work and captivating live performances have amassed quite a large following. He recently teamed up with several iconic performers to record and release a new world pride anthem aptly titled “#LIFTEMUP”.

“#LIFTEMUP” is a Greko production in collaboration with Ru Paul’s Drag Race winner Sharon Needles, Broadway star Peppermint, Debbie Harry of Blondie, and all around glamour queen Amanda Lepore. The video is studded with vibrant color and unparalleled costume, make up, and lighting design . Each performer exudes pride and power and is a shining example of the strength and courage it takes to truly be yourself. This catchy new pop song will make you want to get up and dance. It is the perfect track to add to your summer pride playlist.

As a trans man only recently able to safely live his truth this song speaks volumes to me. It helps remind me that no matter how hard things can be or how much dysphoria can shroud your happiness you are not alone. There are always other members of the LGBTQ+ community who will be there to empathize with you and lift you up. The significance of this video for me is that each and every one of the amazing collaborators on this project help give people hope that success and happiness can still be found in a world that sometimes seems very bleak for minority groups.

Featured artists (left to right): Amanda Lepore, Greko, Peppermint, Debbie Harry, and Sharon Needles

Follow Greko on social media to stay up to date on show announcements and new releases.


IG: @grekobygreko

Twitter: @grekobygreko


Written by Wes Spaulding

Author: wes_spaulding

Biomedical engineer and Musician. Contributor at Rock the Pigeon Blog.

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